Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top Ten Things I've Learned While Playing WoTMUD, Part 1.

It's been about six weeks since I started this blog and I think it's a great time to look back at how far I've come and all the things I've learned.

10. Food and water. This isn't some game where you suspend reality and never eat or drink. You need food! You will die without water! After a grueling 15 minute crawl from the wretch cave to Caemlyn Central square because I had no food or water or daggers, I will never again find myself unprepared.

9. Saplings are pretty much the greatest things ever invented. I killed them in the Eye to get my stats. I killed them in the blight all the way to level 15. They never hit back. They give lots of exp. They're all over the place. When I was finally too high level to kill them and had to switch to ancient trees, which are MEAN, I was very sad. Ancient trees should try to be more like young saplings. There's just no reason for a tree to be that angry, even if it is really really old.

8. Equipment. It's alright to take stuff you find if it's in a barrel or a battering ram, but you should follow the golden rule of charity: Don't take more than you need and put in what you can.

7. Exp is not as easy as it looks. It was pretty easy to stat. By that, I mean it was quick. Repetitive and boring, yes, but also quick and painless. The higher your level, however, the harder it is to exp. It takes longer and the mobs are meaner. I've died to a mob and lost a level more times in six weeks than I care to admit. And when I agonized over every single percent of that level for the last 2 1/2 hours...well, let's just say red was seen.

6. Crier quests are the best way to make money. I've been doing crier quests on all my characters (and updating the World Quests page) for quite some time now and I have hundreds of gold crowns on all my characters (in the bank, not actually on me so don't get any ideas!) They're fun and challenging. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where to find the rug around Cairhien. It turns out, it's actually three rooms away from the crier.

Come back on Thursday to find out what made the Top Five list! And check in tomorrow for Wot About You Wednesday!

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