It's been about six weeks since I started this blog and I think it's a great time to look back at how far I've come and all the things I've learned.
10. Food and water. This isn't some game where you suspend reality and never eat or drink. You need food! You will die without water! After a grueling 15 minute crawl from the wretch cave to Caemlyn Central square because I had no food or water or daggers, I will never again find myself unprepared.
9. Saplings are pretty much the greatest things ever invented. I killed them in the Eye to get my stats. I killed them in the blight all the way to level 15. They never hit back. They give lots of exp. They're all over the place. When I was finally too high level to kill them and had to switch to ancient trees, which are MEAN, I was very sad. Ancient trees should try to be more like young saplings. There's just no reason for a tree to be that angry, even if it is really really old.
8. Equipment. It's alright to take stuff you find if it's in a barrel or a battering ram, but you should follow the golden rule of charity: Don't take more than you need and put in what you can.
7. Exp is not as easy as it looks. It was pretty easy to stat. By that, I mean it was quick. Repetitive and boring, yes, but also quick and painless. The higher your level, however, the harder it is to exp. It takes longer and the mobs are meaner. I've died to a mob and lost a level more times in six weeks than I care to admit. And when I agonized over every single percent of that level for the last 2 1/2 hours...well, let's just say red was seen.
6. Crier quests are the best way to make money. I've been doing crier quests on all my characters (and updating the World Quests page) for quite some time now and I have hundreds of gold crowns on all my characters (in the bank, not actually on me so don't get any ideas!) They're fun and challenging. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where to find the rug around Cairhien. It turns out, it's actually three rooms away from the crier.
Come back on Thursday to find out what made the Top Five list! And check in tomorrow for Wot About You Wednesday!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
You Shall Not Pass!
Yes. I was Gandalf last week. Kind of. I finally managed to get one of my characters above level 20. In fact, she's almost level 30 and I'm starting to think about clanning! I'm very interested in the Thiefbane and they said I need to learn how to pk before I apply so that's what I did. Kind of.
There were Seanchan in EF. Being level 28, I felt strong. So I decided to join in the fight. I even managed to stab one of them! Then, this happened:
With shaking hands and racing heart, I waited, sure I was going to die at any second! I didn't, luckily. Soon, I moved to harals for safety. By the time I was up to beaten, Macintosh was fighting them again and I ran out to help. They were still in EF. I decided the safest place for me was with the Red Eagle Guards by the gate, so that's where I went. Mronz the Seanchan came in the room. I closed the gate and fought him. Then closed the gate again. Then again, and again! Yes! I spammed the gate shut! *Howl!* Macintosh came in the room and bashed Mronz. We attacked him over and over and over. And then the greatest thing happened: He died. In my room. While I was helping. Oh sweet, sweet victory!
We fought the Seanchan some more, but we didn't kill anymore. It didn't matter though. I was in my happy place, the afterglow of victory was upon me. Now, I can conquer the world!
There were Seanchan in EF. Being level 28, I felt strong. So I decided to join in the fight. I even managed to stab one of them! Then, this happened:
* R HP:Wounded MV:Winded > The Green
The village center is a large patch of green grass, which often is
traversed by small farm animals as well as the citizens of Emond's Field.
Small thatched houses line both sides of the village green. The village is
centered on this east-west stretch, with the main road consisting largely
of the green. Off to the west you can see the Winespring Water and the
Wagon Bridge which spans the river. A small side street leads south.
A large board attached to leatherleaf pole is staked in the ground, next
to a banner portraying a map of the town for those unfamiliar with it.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
North: A hunter from Illian is here, searching for the fabled Horn of Valere.
East: Elandrea Gordano is standing here.
South: A shaggy brown mare stands here.
West: A hanging lantern lights the path.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
*Zain* is standing here mending a weapon, riding a sleek well-trained torm.
*Sentras* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
The Emond's Field town crier stands here, spreading the news.
*Zain* leaves west riding a sleek well-trained torm.
* R HP:Wounded MV:Winded > w
*Sentras* tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
* R HP:Wounded MV:Winded - Sentras: Scratched > No way! You're fighting for your life!
* R HP:Wounded MV:Winded - Sentras: Scratched > No way! You're fighting for your life!
* R HP:Wounded MV:Winded - Sentras: Scratched >
You try to pierce *Sentras*, but he deflects the blow.
*Sentras* tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
*Zain* has arrived from the west, riding a sleek well-trained torm.
*Surar* has arrived from the west, riding a raken.
* R HP:Wounded MV:Winded - Sentras: Scratched >
*Surar* tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
*Zain* pounds your body into bloody fragments!
* R HP:Wounded MV:Winded - Sentras: Scratched > di
You can't ride in there.
[dismount ] ded - Sentras: Scratched >
You stop riding him.
* HP:Wounded MV:Winded - Sentras: Scratched > sn
*Surar* tries to slash you, but you deflect the blow.
You try to pierce *Sentras*, but he deflects the blow.
[sneak ]
No way! You're fighting for your life!
You panic and attempt to flee!as: Scratched >
*Sentras* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Macintosh has arrived from the east.
Macintosh leaves west.
*Zain* pounds your body into bloody fragments!
*Surar* slashes your right arm into bloody fragments!
*Sentras* slashes your right arm into bloody fragments!
*Zain* pounds your right hand into bloody fragments!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
*Surar* slashes your left leg into bloody fragments!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
*Sentras* slashes your body very hard.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
A bell clanks loudly, warning of danger in Emond's Field.
You flee head over heels.
Cenn Buie's Home
The home of the village thatcher is surprisingly ill-kept. The roof needs
some extensive repairs, which is a rather surprising testimony to the laziness
of Master Buie. The house interior seems as if it could use a good cleaning as
well. Although the house is decorated nicely, a thin layer of dust can be seen
on more than one tabletop.
[ obvious exits: S ]
South: A hunter from Illian is here, searching for the fabled Horn of Valere.
Young Ewin Finngar is here, likely looking for mischief.
[hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.
No Connecting Rooms Found
* HP:Critical MV:Winded >
A Red Eagle officer bellows 'To arms! Emond's Field is besieged! Rally to the Green!'
* HP:Critical MV:Winded >
Macintosh tells you 'mobs wagon now'
* HP:Critical MV:Winded >
*Zain* has arrived from the south.
* HP:Critical MV:Winded >
*Zain* tries to pound you, but you deflect the blow.
* HP:Critical MV:Winded - Zain: Wounded > f
A hunter for the horn tickles Zain's left leg with his slash.
A hunter for the horn barely slashes Zain's left leg.
You tickle *Zain*'s body with your pierce.
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
Zane narrates 'regroup wehre?'
You panic and attempt to flee!
You flee head over heels.
The Green
The village center is a large patch of green grass, which often is
No Connecting Rooms Found
traversed by small farm animals as well as the citizens of Emond's Field.
Small thatched houses line both sides of the village green. The village is
centered on this east-west stretch, with the main road consisting largely
of the green. Off to the west you can see the Winespring Water and the
Wagon Bridge which spans the river. A small side street leads south.
A large board attached to leatherleaf pole is staked in the ground, next
to a banner portraying a map of the town for those unfamiliar with it.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
North: *Zain* is here, fighting a hunter for the horn mending a weapon.
East: A hardened farmer stands ready to defend his homeland.
South: Wil al'Seen is here, trying to look pretty for all the young ladies.
West: A wild stallion bucks madly.
A hanging lantern lights the path.
*Surar* is standing here mending a weapon, riding a raken.
A sleek well-trained torm glares fiercely about.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
*Sentras* is standing here, riding a warhorse.
The Emond's Field town crier stands here, spreading the news.
East End of the Green
The village green ends here, and becomes the smooth dirt road of Emond's
Field's main street. There is a small home to the north, and the Winespring Inn
lies to the south. The first floor of the inn is river rock, though the
foundation is of older stone rumored to come from the mountains. A dozen
small chimneys poke from the red roof tile, the only such roof in the village.
The top of a large oak tree can be seen behind the inn to the south.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
South: A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
West: A board hangs on a wall peppered with tales of glory, adventure and history.
A hardened farmer stands ready to defend his homeland.
A hardened farmer stands ready to defend his homeland.
A hardened farmer stands ready to defend his homeland.
A powerfully built man bearing a tattoo of a Red Eagle on his neck is here.
* HP:Critical MV:Winded > Matheus narrates 'rock'
The Winespring Inn
The Winespring Inn is famed throughout the Two Rivers. Owned by the Mayor
of Emond's Field, Bran Al'Vere, the inn is the center of town activities.
While the common room isn't the bustling type, one can always find welcome
here and a warm mug by the hearth. There is a sign over the bar.
[ obvious exits: N S U ]
North: A hardened farmer stands ready to defend his homeland.
South: A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
Up: Elandrea Gordano is standing here.
A board listing the events and festivals of the land is mounted on a wall.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
Bran al'Vere, Innkeeper of the Winespring Inn offers a friendly smile.
A bartender serves customers with a greedy smile.
* HP:Critical MV:Winded > The Inn's Kitchen
This kitchen radiates warmth and wholesome smells, even when nothing is
currently cooking. A large stove is almost always filled with baking
honeycakes or other such treats. A large wooden table with a number of
chairs occupies the room's center, apparently the dining area of the inn's
owners. A sign of cracked wood hangs over a red-hot oven.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
North: A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
South: Dieter of Andor is standing here.
A small, somewhat rickety table wobbles on unsteady legs.
An oven stands here, radiating a dry heat.
A black cat meanders to an unknown destination.
The postmaster stands here, ready to deliver the mail.
Marin al'Vere smiles warmly at you as she tidies up the place.
* HP:Critical MV:Winded >
Riloz narrates 'kt back up'
* HP:Critical MV:Winded > s
By the Enormous Oak
A wide stone foundation circles an enormous oak tree which seems to sprout
right from the stone, with a bole thirty paces around and spreading
branches as thick as a man. In the summer, the innkeeper sets tables and
benches around the oak, where people can enjoy a relaxing drink or a game
of stones.
[ obvious exits: N W ]
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A blunt dagger lies here red with rust.
A wooden practice shield has been dropped here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A brown cow is here, chewing thoughtfully.
* HP:Critical MV:Winded > w
A Short Side-Street
It is rather generous to term this small alley a street, as it is really
just a narrow dirt road that runs behind the Winespring Inn. The stables of
the inn are just to the west, and a small shop lies to the south. To your east
is a tremendous oak tree springing forth from a stone foundation.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Dieter of Andor is standing here.
Wil al'Seen is here, trying to look pretty for all the young ladies.
A shaggy brown mare stands here.
* HP:Critical MV:Winded > The Inn's Stables
The stables of the Winespring Inn are separate from the main body of the inn,
although hardly far. A small hay loft lies above, and it looks like the
stablehands have bedded down in the hay more than once. The smell of horses
is quite strong.
[ obvious exits: E ]
East: Dieter of Andor is standing here.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A draft horse is here.
A brown horse is here, nipping at a tuft of grass.
A man walks among the horses here feeding them and rubbing them down.
A shaggy brown mare stands here.
* HP:Critical MV:Winded > sn
[sneak ]
Ok, you'll try to move silently for a while.
* S HP:Critical MV:Winded >
Dieter has arrived from the east.
* S HP:Critical MV:Winded >
Matheus narrates 'kt critrock'
* S HP:Critical MV:Winded >
Dieter leaves east.
* S HP:Critical MV:Winded > reply I'm critical
You reply to Macintosh 'I'm critical'
With shaking hands and racing heart, I waited, sure I was going to die at any second! I didn't, luckily. Soon, I moved to harals for safety. By the time I was up to beaten, Macintosh was fighting them again and I ran out to help. They were still in EF. I decided the safest place for me was with the Red Eagle Guards by the gate, so that's where I went. Mronz the Seanchan came in the room. I closed the gate and fought him. Then closed the gate again. Then again, and again! Yes! I spammed the gate shut! *Howl!* Macintosh came in the room and bashed Mronz. We attacked him over and over and over. And then the greatest thing happened: He died. In my room. While I was helping. Oh sweet, sweet victory!
We fought the Seanchan some more, but we didn't kill anymore. It didn't matter though. I was in my happy place, the afterglow of victory was upon me. Now, I can conquer the world!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Lifestyles of the Geared and Listed
Another big week for the pkers on the lists! Varcoz made an appearance on the Sei'taer list, climbing to number 4 in one week. The Ta'veren list saw the addition of both Elyse and Vilac. Mangler died a horrible death to some timely ice spikes, but it wasn't enough to knock him out of Reaver first! His death is this week's highlight.
Posted by Daeny on the "Ouch! That really did HURT" thread:
Sei'taer of the Zeroth Turn
1. Tzao the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Trik of Shienar on the 7th of Saban, 939
2. Lakitu the hunter of Noren M'Shar
-- slew Wobor of Kandor on the 4th of Nesan, 933
3. Tekela the hunter of Shon Kifar
-- slew Briana of Illian on the 10th of Amadaine, 900
4. Varcoz the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Azrik of Illian on the 26th of Aine, 939
5. Kyra the hunter of Kirendad [Morat'torm]
-- slew Aang of Arafel on the 6th of Nesan, 938
6. Tuk the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Roberto of the Borderlands on the 4th of Taisham, 938
7. Milian the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Galfrey of Two Rivers on the 28th of Adar, 939
Ta'veren of the Zeroth Turn
1. Raspen of Arafel
-- slew Tonga the Wolfish Trolloc on the 3rd of Adar, 939
2. Fyran of Tarabon
-- slew Cronus the Ramshorned Trolloc on the 6th of Tammaz, 929
3. Ryalth of Kandor
-- slew Kultunk the Bearish Trolloc on the 12th of Nesan, 938
4. Vaen of Shienar
-- slew Tusk the Boarheaded Trolloc on the 3rd of Saven, 938
5. Elyse the channeler of Illian [Yellow Ajah]
-- slew Korven of Altara on the 1st of Adar, 939
6. Salvador of Shienar
-- slew Ruff the Boarheaded Trolloc on the 13th of Tammaz, 937
7. Vilac of Tarabon
-- slew Troika the Myrddraal on the 17th of Aine, 939
Reavers of the Zeroth Turn
1. Mangler the Dreadlord
-- slew Brintal of Illian on the 15th of Aine, 939
2. Khazar the Myrddraal
-- slew Aang of Arafel on the 9th of Saven, 886
3. Jaster the Myrddraal
-- slew Ciegon of Shienar on the 7th of Choren, 938
4. Kain the Myrddraal
-- slew Theid of Saldaea on the 18th of Tammaz, 921
5. Serkhan the trolloc Rogue [Ko'bal]
-- slew Neveyan of Shienar on the 10th of Danu, 927
6. Rudra the trolloc Rogue
-- slew Neveyan of Shienar on the 7th of Adar, 939
7. Hress the Myrddraal
-- slew Koagan of the Borderlands on the 27th of Shaldine, 937
Posted by Daeny on the "Ouch! That really did HURT" thread:
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded > channel 'ice spikes' h.mangler
Vilac leaves west riding a gray palfrey.
Kirakor leaves west riding a bloodstock stallion.
Salin leaves west riding a Domani razor.
You follow Vilac.
Path Junction
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
A thick brown sack has been discarded here.
A wild stallion bucks madly, being ridden by you.
Salin Thornquist is standing here, riding a Domani razor.
Kirakor Adarnai is standing here, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Vilac Clayton is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
*Dhavuik* is here, fighting a soldier.
Lord Weir the Captain Commander is standing here, riding a warhorse.
*Troika* is here, fighting a soldier, riding a shadow stallion.
A soldier is here, fighting Troika.
A soldier is here, fighting Troika.
A member of the Lancer cavalry is here, fighting Troika, riding a black warhorse.
A member of the Lancer cavalry is here, fighting Troika, riding a black warhorse.
A member of the Lancer cavalry is here, fighting Troika, riding a black warhorse.
A member of the Lancer cavalry is here, fighting Troika, riding a black warhorse.
Lord Kajin is here, fighting Troika, riding a black warhorse.
A soldier is here, fighting Troika.
Argent has arrived from the east, riding a bloodstock stallion.
A Tower guard has arrived from the east.
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded >
A soldier barely scythes Troika's body.
A Tower guard joins a soldier's fight!
A member of the Lancer cavalry slashes Troika's body hard.
A member of the Lancer cavalry slashes Troika's head.
A member of the Lancer cavalry slashes Troika's body hard.
A member of the Lancer cavalry tries to slash Troika, but he parries successfully.
A soldier tries to scythe Troika, but he parries successfully.
A soldier pounds Troika's body hard.
Lord Kajin blasts Troika's right leg hard.
*Troika* slashes a soldier's body.
Kirakor barely slashes *Dhavuik*'s left hand.
Nobody here by that name.g MV:Winded >
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded >
*Troika* panics, and attempts to flee!
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded >
Salin barely hacks *Dhavuik*'s body.
Vilac slashes *Dhavuik*'s body.
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded >
*Dhavuik* panics, and attempts to flee!
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded >
*Mangler* has arrived from the north, riding a shadow stallion.
Weir sends *Mangler* sprawling with a powerful bash!
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded >
*Dhavuik* leaves east.
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded >
Argent strikes *Mangler*'s right arm into bloody fragments!
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded > channel 'ice spikes' h.mangler
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...
Argent strikes *Mangler*'s left leg very hard.
Weir strikes *Mangler*'s left leg.
A Tower guard tickles Troika's body with his crush.
A soldier barely scythes Troika's left arm.
A member of the Lancer cavalry slashes Troika's right leg.
A member of the Lancer cavalry slashes Troika's body.
A member of the Lancer cavalry barely slashes Troika's left leg.
A member of the Lancer cavalry tries to slash Troika, but he deflects the blow.
A soldier scythes Troika's right arm.
A soldier pounds Troika's left leg.
*Troika* panics, and attempts to flee!
Lord Kajin blasts Troika's body hard.
*Troika* panics, and attempts to flee!
*Troika* slashes a soldier's right arm very hard.
*Troika* panics, and attempts to flee!
You sense Argent is channeling saidar.
*Dhavuik* has arrived from the east.
Salin hacks *Mangler*'s left foot.
Weir narrates 'bashed'
Someone bellows 'Argh! The foul beast Dhavuik has been spotted!'
*Troika* leaves west riding a shadow stallion.
Vilac holds a mirrored lantern above his head.
Kirakor slashes a shadow stallion's body into bloody fragments!
Weir narrates 'weave mangler'
A shadow stallion tries to hit Kirakor, but he deflects the blow.
A soldier says 'You Mangler!!! You will die before your time!! '
Kirakor slashes a shadow stallion's head into bloody fragments!
Salin hacks *Mangler*'s left arm hard.
Weir strikes *Mangler*'s body hard.
Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at *Mangler*.
The fighting is too thick and heavy for you to enter the fray!
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded >
Argent unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at *Mangler*, who is stabbed repeatedly.
Vilac assumes an offensive striking posture.
* R HP:Scratched SP:Strong MV:Winded > channel 'ice spikes' h.mangler
A bloodstock stallion pricks its ears forward and looks alert.
*Troika* has arrived from the west, riding a shadow stallion.
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...
*Troika* leaves east riding a shadow stallion.
You sense Argent is channeling saidar.
Kirakor panics, and attempts to flee!
Kirakor leaves east riding a bloodstock stallion.
*Mangler* panics, and attempts to flee!
Salin tickles *Mangler*'s body with his hack.
Weir barely strikes *Mangler*'s body.
Kirakor has arrived from the east, riding a bloodstock stallion.
Lord Kajin joins Weir's fight!
*Ostran* clumsily approaches a Tower guard, broadcasting his intentions.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
You receive your share of experience...
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your icy spikes shred *Mangler*'s guts, causing his insides to flow outside.
*Mangler* is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear *Mangler*'s death cry.
Movers and Shakers:
Red indicates a drop in the list and green indicates a rise.Sei'taer of the Zeroth Turn
1. Tzao the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Trik of Shienar on the 7th of Saban, 939
2. Lakitu the hunter of Noren M'Shar
-- slew Wobor of Kandor on the 4th of Nesan, 933
3. Tekela the hunter of Shon Kifar
-- slew Briana of Illian on the 10th of Amadaine, 900
4. Varcoz the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Azrik of Illian on the 26th of Aine, 939
5. Kyra the hunter of Kirendad [Morat'torm]
-- slew Aang of Arafel on the 6th of Nesan, 938
6. Tuk the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Roberto of the Borderlands on the 4th of Taisham, 938
7. Milian the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Galfrey of Two Rivers on the 28th of Adar, 939
Ta'veren of the Zeroth Turn
1. Raspen of Arafel
-- slew Tonga the Wolfish Trolloc on the 3rd of Adar, 939
2. Fyran of Tarabon
-- slew Cronus the Ramshorned Trolloc on the 6th of Tammaz, 929
3. Ryalth of Kandor
-- slew Kultunk the Bearish Trolloc on the 12th of Nesan, 938
4. Vaen of Shienar
-- slew Tusk the Boarheaded Trolloc on the 3rd of Saven, 938
5. Elyse the channeler of Illian [Yellow Ajah]
-- slew Korven of Altara on the 1st of Adar, 939
6. Salvador of Shienar
-- slew Ruff the Boarheaded Trolloc on the 13th of Tammaz, 937
7. Vilac of Tarabon
-- slew Troika the Myrddraal on the 17th of Aine, 939
Reavers of the Zeroth Turn
1. Mangler the Dreadlord
-- slew Brintal of Illian on the 15th of Aine, 939
2. Khazar the Myrddraal
-- slew Aang of Arafel on the 9th of Saven, 886
3. Jaster the Myrddraal
-- slew Ciegon of Shienar on the 7th of Choren, 938
4. Kain the Myrddraal
-- slew Theid of Saldaea on the 18th of Tammaz, 921
5. Serkhan the trolloc Rogue [Ko'bal]
-- slew Neveyan of Shienar on the 10th of Danu, 927
6. Rudra the trolloc Rogue
-- slew Neveyan of Shienar on the 7th of Adar, 939
7. Hress the Myrddraal
-- slew Koagan of the Borderlands on the 27th of Shaldine, 937
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Weaponcrafting outside of the Guilds
I've talked a lot about crafting, and am still working on adding all the relevant information to the blog but I recently found out that there are two weapons that can be crafted outside of the Guild system. One is a silver basilard, which is a dagger, and one is a spear, though I'm not sure what the name of it is.
In order to make these items, you'll need a few items to give the blacksmith:
For a dagger:
- a common dirk
- a ring of silver
- a bar of iron ore
- a diamond wedding ring
- a hooked spear
- a light metal javelin
- a dull-gleaming hunk of rock
- a gold-chased goblet
You will also need to pay 75 gold to have these items made. Once you have all the items, travel to Katar on the Almoth Plain. Find the blacksmith, which is 1n, 1w from the well. You will know you're in the right place if you can see the following sign:
* HP:Hurt MV:Winded > lo sign
A superior DAGGER requires a common dirk, a ring of silver,
a bar of iron ore and a diamond wedding ring.
A superior SPEAR requires a hooked spear, a light metal
javelin, a dull-gleaming hunk of rock and a gold-chased goblet.
Please follow these instructions:
1. One at a time please!
2. Pay the fee of 75 gold crowns by giving EXACTLY that amount
to the expert weaponsmith.
3. Hand the expert weaponsmith the necessary items for your
choice of weapon.
4. Declare the weapon you desire, by asking 'Please craft me a
superior dagger' or 'Please craft me a superior spear'.
5. Wait patiently and dont touch anything!
It's a little more expensive than the crafting guild, but I believe the quality of the weapon is higher. You also have the comfort of consistency. In the guilds, there is a random chance of crafting something good and a high chance of crafting something mediocre. Here, you will always get the same item.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Wot About You Wednesday: Markus
Today's Wot About You spotlight is Markus! Markus is a Captain in the Charging Boars.
**This article has been edited slightly at Markus' request for clarity. My apologies for the confusion! =)Hello, Markus! How long have you been a part of the WoTMUD community?
Since 2000, or maybe 1999? I'd bet on 2000, though.
What is your most memorable "newbie" experience?
Coming up north for the first time on my first character, Morken, who was secretly a male channeler (of course). With his RP storyline in the southlands basically concluded, Morken came to Fal Dara to look for death fighting the Shadow, and Lord Paitar of the Shienaran Lancers gave him a bit of an RP welcome and introduction to the north, which seemed Really Cool of him. (Then I proceeded to die to Zork around Burnt Wagons without really knowing what I'm doing or where I am, which wasn't nearly as epic or noble as I hoped

Later on, the early days of the Charging Boars saw some great newbie PK; we would sometimes ride out in a group of 5 or so, none of us any good at it, get ripped apart in Blight by 2-3 competent DSers and sit in the Circle of Light trying to figure out what we did wrong. Fun times!
The mud is very complex, with something for everyone. What is your favorite part? (For example, pk, rp, questing, smobbing, etc)
It used to be RP, back on Morken and later Connaht. Connaht was my most developed roleplaying character and I've had great times on him.
Nowadays it's mostly PK. Though I've had some great RP fun on Vhailor (my Child of Light based on a Planescape:Torment character of the same name) and to a lesser extent Chemuel, Senamika and Markus.
Not a fan of smobbing or questing. Exploring used to be interesting, but one does get bored of it eventually.
You're a long-time member of the Charging Boars. What made you choose a player run clan rather than an implemented clan?
Part of it is that it's really "ours". Implemented clans are really owned by Watchers, who can - and sometimes do - do things completely contrary to the will of the clan. Also their involvement is often a bottleneck for advancement (people waiting forever for ranking/master quests, the shawling procedure etc). You'll probably hear some horror stories if you ask around.
In a PRC, we're a clan in the most basic sense: a group of people who choose to share a common identity and loyalty. And because we have no coded bonuses, the only people who try to join us are those who want to be in for the people and for the atmosphere, which means we mostly get the sort of people worth having in the first place.
Certainly there is value in the coded clans and I've a number of alts in them, some of which I enjoy playing. Coded bonuses can be fun, and there are some good people in those clans too.
What's the best thing about your clan?
The people.
Why should people join your clan?
To learn the game and PK if they're newbies, or to help others learn, if they enjoy doing that, or just to be part of a group of good guys.
What should they know before they apply?
Nothing much; we're very newbie-friendly, indeed the point of the Boars is that we're a learning clan, where we help each other learn the game. That's how it started years ago, when we were all newbies, and while now the Charging Boars have quite a few accomplished players, inexperienced players are very welcome as long as they have a good attitude and will play actively.
More detail here:
Do you have any regrets, and if so, what is your biggest regret?
For the most part I don't believe in regrets; sure, I would do some things differently now compared to how I did them in the past, but that's inevitable, there's a learning curve in everything and you can't climb it without making mistakes to learn from.
One thing I do regret though is that I grew out of the habit of immersing myself in RP as naturally as I used to. The Wheel of Time world was a little more magical back then, when I played my characters seriously and acted out a role. It's been hard to sustain that over the years, however, because 9 out of 10 people out there don't have a good sense of IC/OOC separation, and it's hard to keep interacting with such people and maintain immersion.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I'm psychic. Nah, not really.
What is your biggest accomplishment in the game?
Probably getting Ta'veren 3 on an unbonused human (Markus).
What are your goals in the game?
I don't really think in terms of "goals" any more, I just PK for fun and sometimes RP.
My current plans involve remaking a Gaidin master (I declanned my last one, Earle, to make room for a better-statted Chemuel, because immortals changed the way character homelands worked and I was stuck with a bad one) and eventually I will want to master Vhailor and my Ghar'ghael as well. I'm also toying with some interesting ideas for Tower Classes to teach as Senamika. Those will take work to develop, however. In the meantime I might put Markus back on Ta'veren just for the hell of it, but I'm not strongly motivated in that direction any more so we'll see.
If you could change one thing about the mud, what would it be?
I'd like to see coders with the authority and the PK know-how to make real improvements to game balance.
But if you just meant a single feature, then: remove the ambush skill. Or better yet, do as Langois suggested and make ambush result in zero damage and a "Learn to PK!" message.
What advice do you have for newbies just starting out?
Three things:
- People are important for getting things done and for advancing in clans, so don't be a jerk and alienate people who could help you.
- Keep a positive attitude, especially if you're going to PK; dying is part of the game and you're better off learning from it than raging at your allies about it.
- If you want to learn PK, play a hunter or warrior, with a heavy two handed weapon and plated armor (known as "abs" due to absorbing damage), because that is easy to reequip in after you die. Don't do a rogue or channeler at first.
What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?
Can't think of a single outstanding event. I've been on the receiving end of a whole lot of small good deeds, which would be too long to list in detail. I've had help from players learning the game, reequiping after dying, becoming a better PKer...
Actually, I do recall something that maybe isn't the very kindest thing that's happened to me, but that I think is worth mentioning: at one point Zarth and... someone else, I forget, killed me in Shienaran Commander while I was having lag issues. I had a heron-marked blade at the time, which is a rare and highly valued weapon, and they returned it, even though I wasn't obviously linkdead or anything that they could see. I was impressed with the fair-play attitude involved, and it's one of the reasons I usually try to give people the benefit of doubt.
Thanks for taking some time out to talk to us, Markus!
If you have any questions for Markus, leave a comment below and we'll get those answered. Next week, we'll be talking to Dare and finding out what's up with those Gleemen and their juggling balls!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Support WoTMUD
Did you know that WoTMUD has a store? I didn't! Not until yesterday anyway.

You can buy t-shirts, hats, ipod cases, water bottles, baby clothes and even underwear (I think the thong is particularly clever!)

If you can't read it, it says "Oops! Your clumsy execution broadcasts your intentions." Ah, classic double entendre.
The best part? The proceeds go towards paying for the server that keeps this awesome game running!
Visit the store HERE and show your WoTMUD pride! I'm also going to be adding a link at the top of the blog right next to the "Vote for WoTMUD" link. Which, by the way, is another great way to support WoTMUD! Go vote!
Monday, July 23, 2012
The Thing on Everyone's Mind
Weapons. Yesterday, the immortals introduced a brand new patch to the mud, changing almost every weapon in the game. According to Vivienne's post HERE, these are a few of the changes:
There are also several threads tracking the changes HERE and HERE.
Here is a list of the changes and/or the new stats, arranged by class. This is not a comprehensive list and will be updated as details become available.
This list will be updated frequently as new details emerge. If you see a mistake, or know the full name of a weapon, or have any details on the new changes, leave a comment below.
- 2h axes- upped somewhat in ob, downed somewhat in damage
- 2h clubs- upped a small bit in ob, damage remains similar
- 2h longs- upped somewhat in ob, damage similar
- Short blade damage downed/varied a little.
- Kris damage range increased a lot.
- 1H lblades downed slightly in damage, slightly in weight.
- 2H defensive lblades take the general position that tridents previously had.
- Tridents increased slightly in weight.
- Whips and chains changed to 'flail' weapon type.
- Downed leatherleaf staff in damage.
- Several classes of weapons have increased variety between weapons in the class.
There are also several threads tracking the changes HERE and HERE.
Here is a list of the changes and/or the new stats, arranged by class. This is not a comprehensive list and will be updated as details become available.
- a steel blue trident: 15 lbs, 80(ish) OB
2-handed Long Blades
- a gargantuan gilded bastard sword: gained 2 OB, weighs 17.8 lbs
- an oddly curved greatsword: defensive 2h long blade
- an ivory and gold hilted longsword: defensive 2h long blade, 11.5 lbs, 73 ob, -3 db, 112 pb
- half moon scimitar: defensive 2h long blade, 13.5 lbs, 73 ob, -3 db, 101 pb
- wickedly scythed long blade: 210 ob berserk with 19 strength and mounted
- claymore: 197 ob berserk with 19 strength and mounted
1-handed Long Blades
- oddly curved longsword: lost 2 ob, weighs 11.7 lbs
- brass hilted general's sword: 12 lbs
- pale steel sword: 10.5 lbs (down from 11.5lbs)
2-handed Axes
- dark grim axe: 16.5 lbs, 202 ob berserk with 21 str, 169 ob dismounted with 19 str (brave)
- e-axe: 17.8 lbs, 159 ob dismounted with 19 str (probably brave)
- bronze axe: 18 lbs, 162 ob dismounted with 19 str (brave)
1-handed Axes
- a finely crafted axe: 8.5 lbs
2-handed Clubs
- mallet: +3 ob
1-handed Staves (tested by Khaliana with 14 str)
- a yew staff: 3 lbs, 51 ob, -1 db, 41 pb
- a walking staff: 5 lbs, 49 ob, -1 db, 38 pb
- a spiralling snakewood staff: 3 lbs, 47 ob, -1 db, 36 pb
- a sturdy bamboo staff: 4 lbs, 50 ob, -1 db, 23 pb
- a gnarled wooden staff: 9 lbs, 35 ob, -3 db, 18 pb
2-handed Staves (tested by Khahliana with 14 str)
- a staff of sungwood: 5 lbs, 54 ob, -1 db, 98 pb
- a leatherleaf staff: 10 lbs, 42 ob, -3 db, 91 pb
- a bladed feather staff: 11 lbs, 60 ob, -3db, 86 pb
- an ironshod staff of oak: 6.5 lbs, 53 ob, -2 db, 76 pb
- a staff sheathed in fur: 5 lbs, 53 ob, -1 db, 72 pb
- a blackwood quarterstaff: 5 lbs, 51 ob, -1 db, 70 pb
- a carved sourgum staff: 5 lbs, 50 ob, -1 db, 67 pb
- a staff of alder: 5 lbs, 47 ob, -1 db, 64 pb
- a honed staff of light metal: 8 lbs, 50 ob, -2 db, 64 pb
- a willow stave: 4.5 lbs, 43 ob, -1 db, 62 pb
- a quarterstaff: 5 lbs, 39 ob, -1 db, 62 pb
- a binnol: 15.5 lbs
This list will be updated frequently as new details emerge. If you see a mistake, or know the full name of a weapon, or have any details on the new changes, leave a comment below.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Lifestyles of the Geared and Listed
Highlight of the Week:
Posted by Yeri on the Ouch! Epic Fail thread in Art of War. Sei'taer 4 Tuk dies to a channeler. A few days later, he dies to a group, going from wounded to dead in pretty much one bash and losing a rare shocklance. He also drops two positions on the Sei'taer list. Sorry Tuk! I'll bet the people who killed you were very pleased though :D.You slash *Dory*'s left hand extremely hard.
Varcoz tries to strike *Dory*, but she deflects the blow.
*Dory* tries to slash Tuk, but he dodges the attack.
Tuk strikes *Dory*'s body into bloody fragments!
R HP:Battered MV:Haggard - Tuk: Critical - Dory: Hurt > You do the best you can!
R HP:Battered MV:Haggard - Tuk: Critical - Dory: Hurt > [bash ]
*Tesoin* has arrived from the north, riding a |4|.warhorse.
*Tesoin* leaves south riding a warhorse.
Varcoz tries to strike *Dory*, but she deflects the blow.
Tuk tries to strike *Dory*, but she parries successfully.
*Dory*'s icy spikes shred Tuk, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.
Tuk is dead! R.I.P.
Your blood freezes as you hear Tuk's death cry.
You stop following Tuk.
As *Dory* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!
R HP:Battered MV:Haggard - Dory: Hurt > st
*Dory* tries to slash you, but you parry successfully.
Varcoz tries to strike *Dory*, but she parries successfully.
*Louis* has arrived from the south.
R HP:Battered MV:Haggard - Dory: Hurt > Do you not consider fighting as standing?
R HP:Battered MV:Haggard - Dory: Hurt > [get all corpse]
You get a black pair of silver-tooled boots from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a pair of earthen colored breeches from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a soft leather pouch from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a shocklance from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a jeweled wristcuff from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a pair of dark gloves from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a gown of exquisite design from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a bearskin tunic from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a shimmering pendant of obsidian from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a camouflaged hood from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a gold ring from the corpse of Tuk.
You get an oilstone from the corpse of Tuk.
You get a crystal lightstick from the corpse of Tuk.
Movers and Shakers:
Red indicates a drop in the list and green indicates a rise.Sei'taer of the Zeroth Turn
1. Tzao the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Tahla of Two Rivers on the 21st of Saban, 937
2. Lakitu the hunter of Noren M'Shar
-- slew Wobor of Kandor on the 4th of Nesan, 933
3. Tekela the hunter of Shon Kifar
-- slew Briana of Illian on the 10th of Amadaine, 900
4. Milian the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Shaldier of Two Rivers on the 15th of Choren, 935
5. Kyra the hunter of Kirendad [Morat'torm]
-- slew Rico of the Borderlands on the 11th of Adar, 938
6. Tuk the hunter of Seandar
-- slew Roberto of the Borderlands on the 4th of Taisham, 938
7. Yeri the warrior of Seandar
-- slew Roberto of the Borderlands on the 18th of Saban, 938
Ta'veren of the Zeroth Turn
1. Raspen of Arafel
-- slew Venum the Boarheaded Trolloc on the 18th of Taisham, 938
2. Fyran of Tarabon
-- slew Cronus the Ramshorned Trolloc on the 6th of Tammaz, 929
3. Ryalth of Kandor
-- slew Hurgar the Bearish Trolloc on the 27th of Aine, 938
4. Vaen of Shienar
-- slew Tusk the Boarheaded Trolloc on the 3rd of Saven, 938
5. Zsavoc the hunter of Murandy [Gaidin]
-- slew Guhadin the Wolfish Trolloc on the 16th of Choren, 937
6. Salvador of Shienar
-- slew Ruff the Boarheaded Trolloc on the 13th of Tammaz, 937
7. Trepid of Shienar
-- slew Trauma the Myrddraal on the 16th of Tammaz, 908
Reavers of the Zeroth Turn
1. Mangler the Dreadlord
-- slew Micul of Two Rivers on the 5th of Saban, 938
2. Khazar the Myrddraal
-- slew Aang of Arafel on the 9th of Saven, 886
3. Jaster the Myrddraal
-- slew Luler of the Borderlands on the 10th of Danu, 936
4. Kain the Myrddraal
-- slew Theid of Saldaea on the 18th of Tammaz, 921
5. Rudra the trolloc Rogue [Ko'bal]
-- slew Weir of Tarabon on the 4th of Danu, 937
6. Serkhan the trolloc Rogue
-- slew Neveyan of Shienar on the 10th of Danu, 927
7. Hress the Myrddraal
-- slew Koagan of the Borderlands on the 27th of Shaldine, 937
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Double Exp
Today's post is going to be short and to the point. It's double exp all day for all sides! I'm going to be taking advantage of it. Are you?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Wot About You Wednesday: Vivienne
Welcome to our first Wot About You Wednesday spotlight! Today's special guest is Vivienne, one of WoTMUD's Immortals.
Hi Vivienne! Thanks for joining us today on TWNP. Can you tell us how long you've been a part of the WoTMUD community?
That's really hard to pinpoint. I think I've been consistently here since 2000, but I want to say I first found WoTmud in late 1999. My oldest still existing character has a creation date of November 20, 2000.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself outside of WoTMUD?
I think just about everyone knows that in real life I own my own company and I'm a real estate broker. In my former life I was editor of a poetry magazine and a published author in the fantasy/sci-fi genre. I'm an avid knitter and a few years ago for the holidays I made black and red scarves for some Lion Warden players. My number one current hobby is being a craft brewer - and it's still in 'hobby' status only because we're not opening a professionally licensed brewery at this time.
Everyone was a newbie at some point. What was your most memorable "newbie" moment?
That's easy and absolutely my fondest memory ever of this game. I had been playing steadily for maybe two weeks on an FC and I decided I wasn't fit company for anyone, so I took off on my own to see if I could make it from Caemlyn to Tear. There's an area of the Tear Road that has some confusing up-down rooms and I had been thrown off my horse and couldn't find it. I was haggard, frustrated, and thinking the 'quit' option was sounding pretty good. I put out on chats that I was lost, no moves, no water, no food (I know, I know, classic pathetic n00b101!) and someone came to my rescue with a horse, food and water. He also looked at me and decided I was woefully underequipped and gave me the best dagger in the game then -- ZOMG! A jewelled dagger! I decided that character was my hero in the game, that player was the nicest guy ever, and we've been friends ever since in real life. (Hi Hoeg!) Oh, and where was I lost? Freakin' Zakin's Glade, thank you very much. Sheesh.
Ha! Being lost, hungry/thirsty and haggard is practically a right of passage for newbies! If you survive that, you're ready for anything! I'm sure over the years you've had many incredible experiences, but here at TWNP, we definitely want the dirt. What was your most embarrassing moment?
I was a newbie imm and there was a griefer in the game spamming channels with the F-bomb over multiple lines and everyone was really upset, not only because of the content but because it was multiple lines of the same word filling the buffer and the griefer would cut/paste his buffer creating pages of nasty text. I thought to myself "Self, be clever, write a script that slams that guy into Imm Jail the next time he says that word on channels." It was a sweet script but I wrote it too fast and didn't put the correct limiters on it. Next thing I know a certain Fade says the F-bomb on trolloc channel and KABLAM! He's in jail. He'd been leading pk down south and the whole group was dependent upon him, and I just took him out of the game! I'm laughing, I'm worried, my hands were shaking so hard I could barely type, all I could think was "Holy hell! Nass is gonna kill me!" and not only is the griefer still running loose but also the Fade isn't exactly sweetness and light on channels either. I panicked, and instead of sending the Fade to the Circle of Darkness so he could exit into Darkside lands... I kinda sorta put him into the Circle of Light. Not one to let such an opportunity pass, the Fade exits into Caemlyn, everyone in Caemlyn Central Square goes "EEEEP!" and... well... the Fade killed a whole bunch of pukes.
It sounds like that Fade made out pretty well in spite of the situation! One of the best things about WoTMUD is that there is something for everyone. The game is highly complex and diverse, ranging from pk to questing to roleplay. Which part is your favorite?
That changes depending on the mood I'm in, and it's never stayed the same. One of my favorite pasttimes though used to be going on the Smobbing Train.
What made you decide to apply as an immortal?
I honestly don't remember one specific catalyst moment. I remember bugging the heck out of Cyrilla about a zone that didn't match up with the books and was basically told "Think YOU can do better?" So I put in an application and they took me. She then punished me by assigning me a zone with a theme that would only be used in theory in a futuristic fantastical turn of events that had pretty much nothing to do with the books. That zone has still never been released.
What would you say is the best thing about being an immortal?
I can see all channels at all times, so I'm able to people-watch a lot. It's very amusing and puts a whole new spin on being a "Watcher".
I'm sure being an immortal is not always fun. What was the hardest choice you've had to make as an imm?
I had to fire another Imm for cheating, and I didn't want to believe that person was capable of doing what they did. I was very disappointed and I actually didn't sleep well for a few days afterwards because I was so distraught that the person had let us all down so badly.
That sounds like an awful position to be in. Do you have any regrets, and if so, what is your biggest regret?
I'm assuming you mean regarding the game... I think the biggest regret I have is that I let my sense of hope in the human spirit and belief in redemption, combined with having to consult with legal authorities and experts, allow a situation to go on for too long, and it hurt the morale of the playerbase as well as the overall health of the game.
It wouldn't be a complete interview if I didn't ask the age-old question that divides the masses: Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate. Dark. Bitter. Lots of it.
Do you have any hidden talents?
They're hidden for a reason. I'm entitled to some mystery.
I like it! Keep 'em guessing! What would you say is your biggest accomplishment in the game?
I've been here too long to single out anything as the biggest numero uno accomplishment, sorry.
Fair enough. Do you have any goals in the game?
As a player? Just to enjoy it. I frequently run around on unknown unclanneds just to see what kind of mischief I can get into.
If you could change one thing about the mud, what would it be?
My list has a lot more than one thing on it.
I'm sure it does! I bet it never seems to get any shorter either. What advice do you have for newbies just starting out?
Don't freak out over stats. Get into the community, learn the ropes, then get into a character that's a "keeper". There are over 360 zones in the open game, you won't see them all on your first ever character, so just kick back and join in.
Thanks for taking the time to share with us today!
If you have any questions for Vivienne, leave a comment below and I'll try to get those answered! Next week, Markus will be sharing with us about his player run clan and why you should be a part of it.
Hi Vivienne! Thanks for joining us today on TWNP. Can you tell us how long you've been a part of the WoTMUD community?
That's really hard to pinpoint. I think I've been consistently here since 2000, but I want to say I first found WoTmud in late 1999. My oldest still existing character has a creation date of November 20, 2000.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself outside of WoTMUD?
I think just about everyone knows that in real life I own my own company and I'm a real estate broker. In my former life I was editor of a poetry magazine and a published author in the fantasy/sci-fi genre. I'm an avid knitter and a few years ago for the holidays I made black and red scarves for some Lion Warden players. My number one current hobby is being a craft brewer - and it's still in 'hobby' status only because we're not opening a professionally licensed brewery at this time.
Everyone was a newbie at some point. What was your most memorable "newbie" moment?
That's easy and absolutely my fondest memory ever of this game. I had been playing steadily for maybe two weeks on an FC and I decided I wasn't fit company for anyone, so I took off on my own to see if I could make it from Caemlyn to Tear. There's an area of the Tear Road that has some confusing up-down rooms and I had been thrown off my horse and couldn't find it. I was haggard, frustrated, and thinking the 'quit' option was sounding pretty good. I put out on chats that I was lost, no moves, no water, no food (I know, I know, classic pathetic n00b101!) and someone came to my rescue with a horse, food and water. He also looked at me and decided I was woefully underequipped and gave me the best dagger in the game then -- ZOMG! A jewelled dagger! I decided that character was my hero in the game, that player was the nicest guy ever, and we've been friends ever since in real life. (Hi Hoeg!) Oh, and where was I lost? Freakin' Zakin's Glade, thank you very much. Sheesh.
Ha! Being lost, hungry/thirsty and haggard is practically a right of passage for newbies! If you survive that, you're ready for anything! I'm sure over the years you've had many incredible experiences, but here at TWNP, we definitely want the dirt. What was your most embarrassing moment?
I was a newbie imm and there was a griefer in the game spamming channels with the F-bomb over multiple lines and everyone was really upset, not only because of the content but because it was multiple lines of the same word filling the buffer and the griefer would cut/paste his buffer creating pages of nasty text. I thought to myself "Self, be clever, write a script that slams that guy into Imm Jail the next time he says that word on channels." It was a sweet script but I wrote it too fast and didn't put the correct limiters on it. Next thing I know a certain Fade says the F-bomb on trolloc channel and KABLAM! He's in jail. He'd been leading pk down south and the whole group was dependent upon him, and I just took him out of the game! I'm laughing, I'm worried, my hands were shaking so hard I could barely type, all I could think was "Holy hell! Nass is gonna kill me!" and not only is the griefer still running loose but also the Fade isn't exactly sweetness and light on channels either. I panicked, and instead of sending the Fade to the Circle of Darkness so he could exit into Darkside lands... I kinda sorta put him into the Circle of Light. Not one to let such an opportunity pass, the Fade exits into Caemlyn, everyone in Caemlyn Central Square goes "EEEEP!" and... well... the Fade killed a whole bunch of pukes.
It sounds like that Fade made out pretty well in spite of the situation! One of the best things about WoTMUD is that there is something for everyone. The game is highly complex and diverse, ranging from pk to questing to roleplay. Which part is your favorite?
That changes depending on the mood I'm in, and it's never stayed the same. One of my favorite pasttimes though used to be going on the Smobbing Train.
What made you decide to apply as an immortal?
I honestly don't remember one specific catalyst moment. I remember bugging the heck out of Cyrilla about a zone that didn't match up with the books and was basically told "Think YOU can do better?" So I put in an application and they took me. She then punished me by assigning me a zone with a theme that would only be used in theory in a futuristic fantastical turn of events that had pretty much nothing to do with the books. That zone has still never been released.
What would you say is the best thing about being an immortal?
I can see all channels at all times, so I'm able to people-watch a lot. It's very amusing and puts a whole new spin on being a "Watcher".
I'm sure being an immortal is not always fun. What was the hardest choice you've had to make as an imm?
I had to fire another Imm for cheating, and I didn't want to believe that person was capable of doing what they did. I was very disappointed and I actually didn't sleep well for a few days afterwards because I was so distraught that the person had let us all down so badly.
That sounds like an awful position to be in. Do you have any regrets, and if so, what is your biggest regret?
I'm assuming you mean regarding the game... I think the biggest regret I have is that I let my sense of hope in the human spirit and belief in redemption, combined with having to consult with legal authorities and experts, allow a situation to go on for too long, and it hurt the morale of the playerbase as well as the overall health of the game.
It wouldn't be a complete interview if I didn't ask the age-old question that divides the masses: Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate. Dark. Bitter. Lots of it.
Do you have any hidden talents?
They're hidden for a reason. I'm entitled to some mystery.
I like it! Keep 'em guessing! What would you say is your biggest accomplishment in the game?
I've been here too long to single out anything as the biggest numero uno accomplishment, sorry.
Fair enough. Do you have any goals in the game?
As a player? Just to enjoy it. I frequently run around on unknown unclanneds just to see what kind of mischief I can get into.
If you could change one thing about the mud, what would it be?
My list has a lot more than one thing on it.
I'm sure it does! I bet it never seems to get any shorter either. What advice do you have for newbies just starting out?
Don't freak out over stats. Get into the community, learn the ropes, then get into a character that's a "keeper". There are over 360 zones in the open game, you won't see them all on your first ever character, so just kick back and join in.
Thanks for taking the time to share with us today!
If you have any questions for Vivienne, leave a comment below and I'll try to get those answered! Next week, Markus will be sharing with us about his player run clan and why you should be a part of it.
Valan Luca's Marvelous Menagerie and Traveling Show!
I was traveling around Bandar Eban, looking for some healall root, when I happened to take a wrong turn right into a menagerie. Valan Luca's Menagerie, to be exact. The Menagerie can be found randomly outside Maradon, Fal Dara, Tar Valon, Cairhien, Caemlyn, Far Madding, Illian, Tanchico, Amador, Falme, Bandar Eban and Mayene. You'll know it's there because a room close to the city gates will have an exit that is not normally there.
I found Valan Luca's Menagerie by going "down" from a normal room just outside BE. This room doesn't normally have a down exit, but that day, it did. Standing at the gate to the menagerie is Valan Luca himself. He tells you that you need to pay a fee to get inside (I think it was 1 crown) and that you should check the Yellow Tent for the first performance. So I paid my fee and entered, excited to begin exploring.
The first thing I came upon was Thom Merillin. For a crown, he'll tell you the tale of Mara and the Three Foolish Kings.
Next, I found a souvenir shop, otherwise known as Hannor Grundel the Menagerie peddler. He sells quite a few unique items, though I think when you rent, they revert back to normal items. One thing to be aware of is that many items cost a certain amount of coppers and you must give exact change, so be sure to bring lots of coppers. Here is what the peddler sells:
Once off the Midway, there are three paths: The Golden Path, the Blue Path and the Red Path. I took the Golden path first to see what awaited me at the Yellow tent. In order to get to the Golden path, you have to go up the Blue path, then go west past the House of Mirrors. Once you get to the Yellow tent, Head to "An Extravagant Set of Rings" and clap to begin the performance. See the Chavana brothers do their acrobatics and Petra Anhill perform amazing feats of strength. If a volunteer is required, be sure to say "Pick me!"
After the performance, Valan Luca yells that the show in the blue tent will begin in moments. Before you leave the yellow tent though, be sure to check out the fat, bearded lady and the dagger toss. Another highlight between the Golden Path and the Blue Path is the House of Mirrors. I can't lie, I was lost in there for quite some time!
Once you get to the Blue tent, find a spot "Around the Ring" and clap to begin the performance. Watch Latelle Luca and her bears, Clarine Anhill and her dogs, Cerandin and her enormous boar horses and Baecar and his big cats. You can look around the tent and see the cats in their cage and the mighty boar horses. You can also climb up into the rigging high above the ring.
Once the performance is complete, Luca announces the show in the Red tent. Head back towards the midway and find the Red path to the west. Once you find yourself "Nearing a Stage", clap to begin the performance. Be dazzled by Bari the juggler, Adria the contortionist, Rumann the sword juggler, and a mysterious high-wire walker. You can also take your chances on the high-wire, but trust me: it hurts if you fall!
On the other side of the Golden path is the Illuminator's path and the performers wagons. There's also a free pony ride. All you have to do is say "I would like a pony ride" and he'll put you on a horse.
There's a lot to see and do at the Menagerie and the performances are a lot of fun. If it stops by your city, make sure to have a look!
(Thanks Khahliana, for your help finding the Menagerie!)
I found Valan Luca's Menagerie by going "down" from a normal room just outside BE. This room doesn't normally have a down exit, but that day, it did. Standing at the gate to the menagerie is Valan Luca himself. He tells you that you need to pay a fee to get inside (I think it was 1 crown) and that you should check the Yellow Tent for the first performance. So I paid my fee and entered, excited to begin exploring.
The first thing I came upon was Thom Merillin. For a crown, he'll tell you the tale of Mara and the Three Foolish Kings.
Next, I found a souvenir shop, otherwise known as Hannor Grundel the Menagerie peddler. He sells quite a few unique items, though I think when you rent, they revert back to normal items. One thing to be aware of is that many items cost a certain amount of coppers and you must give exact change, so be sure to bring lots of coppers. Here is what the peddler sells:
|010 copper ..... a delicate feathered writing quillScattered around the menagerie grounds are hawkers who sell food and drink. Again, you'll need coppers and they only take exact change. However, if you only have crowns, they exchange coppers for crowns. Here is what the hawkers sell:
|020 copper ..... a tooled leather wineskin
|025 copper ..... a clump of fine Two Rivers tabac
|030 copper ..... a black leather saddlebag
|035 copper ..... bright blue leather suspenders
|040 copper ..... an intricately woven leather pouch
|050 copper ..... a pair of fluffy bunny slippers
|060 copper ..... a finely carved meerschaum pipe
|070 copper ..... a ring of pink gold
|080 copper ..... an ornately tooled leather pouch
|100 copper ..... a special souvenir Menagerie shirt
|125 copper ..... a flask with 'badass' stamped on it
|140 copper ..... fine leather dancing shoes
|150 copper ..... a belt with 'stud' stamped on it
|180 copper ..... a whimsical glass cat
|200 copper ..... a colorfully painted pottery vase
|250 copper ..... a short brass telescope with carving
|02 copper ..... mug of cool milk
|04 copper ..... savory herbal tea
|06 copper ..... mellow ale
|08 copper ..... claret
|10 copper ..... Cairhien white wine
|11 copper ..... mutton stew
|13 copper ..... juicy turkey drumstick
|15 copper ..... venison steak
|17 copper ..... meat and mushrooms
|19 copper ..... pork and potatoes
|01 copper ..... raisin walnut cookie
|03 copper ..... frosted nut roll
|05 copper ..... traditional honeycake
|07 copper ..... fruit & nut pastry
|09 copper ..... spicey apple tart
Once off the Midway, there are three paths: The Golden Path, the Blue Path and the Red Path. I took the Golden path first to see what awaited me at the Yellow tent. In order to get to the Golden path, you have to go up the Blue path, then go west past the House of Mirrors. Once you get to the Yellow tent, Head to "An Extravagant Set of Rings" and clap to begin the performance. See the Chavana brothers do their acrobatics and Petra Anhill perform amazing feats of strength. If a volunteer is required, be sure to say "Pick me!"
After the performance, Valan Luca yells that the show in the blue tent will begin in moments. Before you leave the yellow tent though, be sure to check out the fat, bearded lady and the dagger toss. Another highlight between the Golden Path and the Blue Path is the House of Mirrors. I can't lie, I was lost in there for quite some time!
Once you get to the Blue tent, find a spot "Around the Ring" and clap to begin the performance. Watch Latelle Luca and her bears, Clarine Anhill and her dogs, Cerandin and her enormous boar horses and Baecar and his big cats. You can look around the tent and see the cats in their cage and the mighty boar horses. You can also climb up into the rigging high above the ring.
Once the performance is complete, Luca announces the show in the Red tent. Head back towards the midway and find the Red path to the west. Once you find yourself "Nearing a Stage", clap to begin the performance. Be dazzled by Bari the juggler, Adria the contortionist, Rumann the sword juggler, and a mysterious high-wire walker. You can also take your chances on the high-wire, but trust me: it hurts if you fall!
On the other side of the Golden path is the Illuminator's path and the performers wagons. There's also a free pony ride. All you have to do is say "I would like a pony ride" and he'll put you on a horse.
There's a lot to see and do at the Menagerie and the performances are a lot of fun. If it stops by your city, make sure to have a look!
(Thanks Khahliana, for your help finding the Menagerie!)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Upcoming Blog Features
I hope you guys had as exciting weekend as I did! Not only did I take advantage of 2x exp (Thanks Vivienne!), but I met some great people as well!
I also came up with a few ideas for the blog that I hope you'll be as excited about as I am. Firstly, you may have already noticed the Funnies section in the left sidebar. Each day I will feature a funny comment that was posted in the Funny Quotes thread. If you have a funny you'd like to submit for that section, just email or forum mail it to me for consideration :).
Also, you my have noticed my post on the Players Lounge about my new weekly features, but if you didn't, I'll explain them. On Wednesdays, we will have Wot About You Wednesday. Each week we will feature a prominent and knowledgeable player. They will share a bit about themselves, their clans and some tips for newbies. Our very first feature will be Vivienne this Wednesday, so keep an eye out for that! If you'd like to be considered for a feature, just email or forum mail me!
Lastly, one of the most active forums seems to be the Art of War forum. Pk is an enormous part of this game and the thrill and accomplishment of getting on one of the Top 7 lists should be celebrated! Each Friday, there will be a Lifestyles of the Geared and Listed, featuring highlights of the week in pk and a Movers and Shakers section which will show who has moved up and down on the lists. But for this, I need your help! I need you guys to submit what you think is the greatest pk highlight of the week (so start submitting on Sunday. The deadline will be Thursday night each week.) Maybe, if I can get more levels and start getting good equipment, there can be a prize for the best pk highlight of the week.
So keep an eye out for these great features and get involved!
I also came up with a few ideas for the blog that I hope you'll be as excited about as I am. Firstly, you may have already noticed the Funnies section in the left sidebar. Each day I will feature a funny comment that was posted in the Funny Quotes thread. If you have a funny you'd like to submit for that section, just email or forum mail it to me for consideration :).
Also, you my have noticed my post on the Players Lounge about my new weekly features, but if you didn't, I'll explain them. On Wednesdays, we will have Wot About You Wednesday. Each week we will feature a prominent and knowledgeable player. They will share a bit about themselves, their clans and some tips for newbies. Our very first feature will be Vivienne this Wednesday, so keep an eye out for that! If you'd like to be considered for a feature, just email or forum mail me!
Lastly, one of the most active forums seems to be the Art of War forum. Pk is an enormous part of this game and the thrill and accomplishment of getting on one of the Top 7 lists should be celebrated! Each Friday, there will be a Lifestyles of the Geared and Listed, featuring highlights of the week in pk and a Movers and Shakers section which will show who has moved up and down on the lists. But for this, I need your help! I need you guys to submit what you think is the greatest pk highlight of the week (so start submitting on Sunday. The deadline will be Thursday night each week.) Maybe, if I can get more levels and start getting good equipment, there can be a prize for the best pk highlight of the week.
So keep an eye out for these great features and get involved!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Children of the Light vs Channelers
I met a Hand of the Light. On my channeler. It was nerve-racking to say the least, but I clung to the hope that no one wants to kill a newbie...right?
It was a fun conversation though, despite my nervousness. He asked me if I could channel. I lied.
"Um, I've never tried, sir.."
He told me never to try, to avoid the Dark One's grasp. I asked if all channelers are darkfriends. He said yes. Then I got...bold.
"But, I know I'm not a darkfriend. What if I could channel? Then I would be a channeler who wasn't a darkfriend!" Oh yes. I am clever.
"There's no such thing."
Oh. Well that settles that then, mister fanatic! What? Oh yes, of COURSE I will report all evil-doing directly to you.
All in all, it was really my first experience with roleplay on the mud. It was fun and exciting and I felt myself slip into the character of a young girl being questioned by a big, intimidating Hand of the Light. The conversation was short, but it left me with the desire to look more into this whole "roleplay" thing.
Further, it got me thinking about how two vastly different and opposing forces interact in this game. We all know how much the Children of the Light hate all channelers. But what would have happened if I had not been a low level newbie? What if I had been an Aes Sedai? Would the Hand of the Light have killed me? Do they question or interrogate people? Where does roleplay end and pk begin? How does warranting fit in to this whole situation?
So those are my questions today! What do you think of the whole Child vs channie conflict? Which faction do you side with in conflicts? Leave your comment below :)
It was a fun conversation though, despite my nervousness. He asked me if I could channel. I lied.
"Um, I've never tried, sir.."
He told me never to try, to avoid the Dark One's grasp. I asked if all channelers are darkfriends. He said yes. Then I got...bold.
"But, I know I'm not a darkfriend. What if I could channel? Then I would be a channeler who wasn't a darkfriend!" Oh yes. I am clever.
"There's no such thing."
Oh. Well that settles that then, mister fanatic! What? Oh yes, of COURSE I will report all evil-doing directly to you.
All in all, it was really my first experience with roleplay on the mud. It was fun and exciting and I felt myself slip into the character of a young girl being questioned by a big, intimidating Hand of the Light. The conversation was short, but it left me with the desire to look more into this whole "roleplay" thing.
Further, it got me thinking about how two vastly different and opposing forces interact in this game. We all know how much the Children of the Light hate all channelers. But what would have happened if I had not been a low level newbie? What if I had been an Aes Sedai? Would the Hand of the Light have killed me? Do they question or interrogate people? Where does roleplay end and pk begin? How does warranting fit in to this whole situation?
So those are my questions today! What do you think of the whole Child vs channie conflict? Which faction do you side with in conflicts? Leave your comment below :)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Oh Faithful Brown Steed, You Shall Be Missed.
Old Abandoned Barn
You are inside an old abandoned barn. The sod roof is torn and broken in
places, allowing rain to gush in, leaving the interior all smelling dank
and musty. Old clumps of hay, blackened with mold dangle over the
collapsing loft, while patches of sodden straw cover the ground, leaving
other spots bare. The tool racks are broken and collapsing, and of course
the stalls are empty, no farm animals kept here for a long time. The view
through the broken roof makes it an excellent place to observe the local
area from.
[ obvious exits: N ]
A large rat, as black as coal, stares at you from the shadows.
A brown horse is here, nipping at a tuft of grass.
* HP:Beaten SP:Bursting MV:Full > You pound a large black rat's body.
* HP:Beaten SP:Bursting MV:Full - a large black rat: Wounded > PANIC! You couldn't escape!
* HP:Beaten SP:Bursting MV:Full - a large black rat: Wounded > f
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
* HP:Beaten SP:Bursting MV:Full - a large black rat: Wounded >
A large black rat tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
Someone joins a large black rat's fight!
Someone joins someone's fight!
Someone joins a large black rat's fight!
You barely pound a large black rat's right foreleg.
You panic and attempt to flee!l - a large black rat: Wounded >
You flee head over heels.
Quiet Pastureland
Around you spreads pastureland of dry grasses cropped short by herds of cattle
Room Found, Teleporting
and flocks of sheep that graze here. The pastures here are fairly empty though,
with only a few herds and flocks, and only a couple farms dot the landscape.
Greater numbers of farms and livestock can be seen to the east, but westward
the pastures are replaced by a mixture of empty fields of tall dry grasses
intersparsed with small copses and groves of native oaks and fir. Directly
north of here the Caemlyn Road runs past, coming from Whitebridge and the
river Arinelle off in the distance eastward. Just south of here an old barn
stands empty and alone.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
The corpse of a sheep is lying here.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A brown horse is here, nipping at a tuft of grass.
* HP:Beaten SP:Bursting MV:Full > s
k rat
Old Abandoned Barn
You are inside an old abandoned barn. The sod roof is torn and broken in
places, allowing rain to gush in, leaving the interior all smelling dank
and musty. Old clumps of hay, blackened with mold dangle over the
collapsing loft, while patches of sodden straw cover the ground, leaving
other spots bare. The tool racks are broken and collapsing, and of course
the stalls are empty, no farm animals kept here for a long time. The view
through the broken roof makes it an excellent place to observe the local
area from.
[ obvious exits: N ]
A large rat, as black as coal, stares at you from the shadows.
A brown horse is here, nipping at a tuft of grass.
* HP:Beaten SP:Bursting MV:Full > You try to pound a large black rat, but it parries successfully.
Someone joins a large black rat's fight!e black rat: Wounded >
A large black rat starts following you.
Someone joins someone's fight!
You swiftly dodge a large black rat's attempt to hit you.
You panic and attempt to flee!
A large black rat tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
A large black rat starts following you.
Someone tries to hit you, but you parry successfully.
Someone tries to hit you, but you deflect the blow.
A large black rat barely hits your body.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You flee head over heels.
Quiet Pastureland
Around you spreads pastureland of dry grasses cropped short by herds of cattle
Room Found, Teleporting
and flocks of sheep that graze here. The pastures here are fairly empty though,
with only a few herds and flocks, and only a couple farms dot the landscape.
Greater numbers of farms and livestock can be seen to the east, but westward
the pastures are replaced by a mixture of empty fields of tall dry grasses
intersparsed with small copses and groves of native oaks and fir. Directly
north of here the Caemlyn Road runs past, coming from Whitebridge and the
river Arinelle off in the distance eastward. Just south of here an old barn
stands empty and alone.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
The corpse of a sheep is lying here.
*Equitant* is standing here.
*Kayr* is standing here.
*Whelk* is standing here, riding a shadow stallion.
A fox is here, hunting for rabbits.
A brown horse is here, nipping at a tuft of grass.
* HP:Critical SP:Bursting MV:Full >
*Equitant* pounds a brown stallion's left leg into bloody fragments!
A brown stallion panics, and attempts to flee!
* HP:Critical SP:Bursting MV:Full >
*someone* slashes your left hand extremely hard.
You are dead! Sorry...
A chicken hates your guts!
Circle of Light
High amidst the heavens, the Circle of Light is the hallowed ground of the
friends of the Light. From here, some of the major destinations around the
world can be reached, as shown by a large sign. A permanent fountain in the
center of the Circle gives a soothing backdrop to ponder mortal matters.
To obtain some free starting equipment, TELL GUARDIAN KIT.
It is strongly recommended that new players look at our website
at, before starting out, for the rules, maps, and more.
[ obvious exits: D ]
A plain brown belt has been dropped here.
A wooden practice shield has been dropped here.
The waters of a blue-veined marble fountain pour forth here.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
Kellon of Two Rivers is standing here.
A kind-faced figure stands here.
You've forgotten everything you've learned!
* HP:Critical SP:Bursting MV:Haggard > sigh
You sigh.
* HP:Critical SP:Bursting MV:Haggard > rest
You rest your tired bones.
* HP:Critical SP:Bursting MV:Haggard >
Your heartbeat calms down more as you feel less panicked.
Ok, so it's not actually pk, but I'll tell you, I sat in shock for a while. I was trying to kill the rats in the barn for the crier, and since I was so low I kept fleeing so I wouldn't get hit too much. I did that several times, then all of a sudden, I was dead! As I fled out, at critical, a trolloc hit me once and it was all over for me! It all happened so fast, I barely knew what hit me. The best part? When I went back to where I died, all my belongings were still there. Thanks guys! Of course, my faithful brown steed was dead, but I'll get over that.
So, it's not much to look at. I'm not the hero I imagine myself to be when I think about my eventual introduction to pk. But as this is a blog about my experiences, I thought I'd share with you my first experience with death :).
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
A while ago I created a female channeler. We've talked a bit about stats and classes, but haven't really paid any attention to one of the biggest combat systems in the game: channeling.
What I know only scratches the surface of what is involved in channeling so bear with me and get ready to hit the comment button with whatever information you have on this subject!
One of the first things you notice when you stat a channeler is that the prompt looks a little different. The prompt on a Hunter, Warrior or Rogue looks like this:
Once you have the required elements practiced, you can begin practicing weaves. There are a large number of weaves, ranging from offensive and defensive to utility. You can find a complete list of weaves, their required elements and how many practices you'll need to obtain those weaves HERE. The weave trainer is also linked in the left sidebar. For a complete explanation on weaves and how they work, visit the WoTMUD Weaves page HERE. There are a lot of options open to channelers in regards to how to set up their characters weaves, but one thing that is important to note: In order to access higher level weaves (anything that requires level 4 elements or higher) you must be a member of the White Tower. This means that you can play your channeler as a "wilder," but your options will be somewhat limited.
Once you have practiced your weaves, it's time to weave on someone. If you are a female channeler, you will "embrace" the Source. A man will "seize" the source. Once you're in touch with the Source, you can 'channel "name of weave here" <target>'. Each weave will cost a certain amount of sp to cast, (the sp cost is listed on the WoTMUD Weaves page). You will need double the sp cost in order to cast the weave. An example is Armor, which costs 5 sp to cast. You must have 10 sp available to you in order to begin casting armor. (Thanks Alayla for providing this information!) Once you are done weaving, "release" to let go of the Source.
Those are the very basics of the channeling class. I'm hoping to discover many of the tips and tricks involved in playing a channeler and that's where you come in! Leave a comment below or email me at
What I know only scratches the surface of what is involved in channeling so bear with me and get ready to hit the comment button with whatever information you have on this subject!
One of the first things you notice when you stat a channeler is that the prompt looks a little different. The prompt on a Hunter, Warrior or Rogue looks like this:
* HP:Healthy MV:Fresh >On a channeler, there is an additional resource that is shown: SP, or spell points. This indicates how much sp you have left. Every weave requires a certain amount of sp. So a channeler's prompt looks like this:
* R HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >Just like practicing ride or a weapon skill, you need to practice weaves. You start with a certain number of practices and get more every level. However, unlike weapon skills or ride, there are two different levels of practices for weaves. The first are the elements. In order to practice specific weaves, you must first practice the elements that the weaves require. Each weave requires a different set of elements. The elements are:
- Earth
- Fire
- Air
- Water
- Spirit
- Level 1 = 2 pracs
- Level 2 = 4 pracs
- Level 3 = 6 pracs
- Level 4 = 8 pracs
- Level 5 = 10 pracs
- Level 6 = 12 pracs
- Level 7 = 14 pracs
Once you have the required elements practiced, you can begin practicing weaves. There are a large number of weaves, ranging from offensive and defensive to utility. You can find a complete list of weaves, their required elements and how many practices you'll need to obtain those weaves HERE. The weave trainer is also linked in the left sidebar. For a complete explanation on weaves and how they work, visit the WoTMUD Weaves page HERE. There are a lot of options open to channelers in regards to how to set up their characters weaves, but one thing that is important to note: In order to access higher level weaves (anything that requires level 4 elements or higher) you must be a member of the White Tower. This means that you can play your channeler as a "wilder," but your options will be somewhat limited.
Once you have practiced your weaves, it's time to weave on someone. If you are a female channeler, you will "embrace" the Source. A man will "seize" the source. Once you're in touch with the Source, you can 'channel "name of weave here" <target>'. Each weave will cost a certain amount of sp to cast, (the sp cost is listed on the WoTMUD Weaves page). You will need double the sp cost in order to cast the weave. An example is Armor, which costs 5 sp to cast. You must have 10 sp available to you in order to begin casting armor. (Thanks Alayla for providing this information!) Once you are done weaving, "release" to let go of the Source.
Those are the very basics of the channeling class. I'm hoping to discover many of the tips and tricks involved in playing a channeler and that's where you come in! Leave a comment below or email me at
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Dynamic Events
Last week I stumbled upon something interesting. As I was traveling through the northern mountains towards Bandar Eban, a message showed on my screen that a "Dynamic Event" was taking place and that I should find the cook's apprentice. At the time, I had been going back to retrieve my weapon from the blacksmith who was honing it, so I was weaponless. That did not stifle my curiosity, however. So I set out to find the cook's apprentice. It took a really long time, but I eventually found him nearby. I looked up "dynamic events" on the forums, and it seems as though they occur in a relatively small area. So when the cook's apprentice suggested I find him honey from a very rare queen bee, I thought, No problem! It's probably close by.
No. I spent multiple hours searching for this elusive bee, fighting off predatory jaguars with my bare hands! Alas, the queen bee could not be found. Needless to say I was quite reluctant to give up the search, but eventually I decided I needed to fetch my sword.
But the concept of these dynamic events is extremely interesting to me so I'm hoping a few of you know what they're all about and can teach us! It reminded me of those public quests in Warhammer, where the quest was located in a certain area and anyone could join in.
So if you have any information that will shed light on the dynamic quest, leave a comment or email me at
No. I spent multiple hours searching for this elusive bee, fighting off predatory jaguars with my bare hands! Alas, the queen bee could not be found. Needless to say I was quite reluctant to give up the search, but eventually I decided I needed to fetch my sword.
But the concept of these dynamic events is extremely interesting to me so I'm hoping a few of you know what they're all about and can teach us! It reminded me of those public quests in Warhammer, where the quest was located in a certain area and anyone could join in.
So if you have any information that will shed light on the dynamic quest, leave a comment or email me at
Monday, July 9, 2012
Don't forget your sword! (Hardening and honing)
Friday was an extremely interesting day. I had my first experience trading (and from what I can tell, I got the short end of the stick, but that's ok! Live and learn :D). I spent hours trying to figure out a dynamic event. I crafted a pair of vambraces and a colossal sword with ornate iron pommel. I broke the laws of Andor and had to relinquish my helmet to a Lion Warden. Luckily they were kind enough to replace it with more acceptable equipment! I learned that shops can be quite aggravating, particularly when you're mending and they tell you to come back in 8 hours. Except 8 hours later, they're closed. And finally, coming to the topic of today's post, I learned how to hone and harden my weapon.
I had gone to Bandar Eban to craft another piece of armor (this time a pair of ebony steel vambraces to match my greaves). I met a guy there who was also trying to craft some armor. So we started talking a bit and we both discovered we didn't have a hammer. I had left mine in Mayene, since that's where I needed it for sword making. No problem, surely the weaponsmith has a hammer. We'll just wait until he's open...
No hammer. No problem, I'll just check the handy item database Alayla so kindly shared with me to find out where I can get a hammer. There must be something close by.
Amador and Devon Ride. Where is Amador? No idea really, but I have a map! So my new friend sets out for Devon Ride and I begin my trek to Amador. Everything was going great until I reached a nice little town called Elmora. Unfortunately, this nice little town was infested with Seanchan. Their hospitality was somewhat...lacking. It was about this time that I realized I didn't have my sword.
You see, while we were waiting for the weaponsmith to open, my new friend asked me if I knew about honing my sword. (If you're wondering why he's "my new friend" instead of having a real name, it's because I can't remember his name. I'm sorry, new friend!). I told him no and he explained that if I honed my sword, I would be able to hit ghosts. I was quite excited by the prospect because I had found a spirit near Tar Valon that I really wanted to kill, but every time I tried, my sword passed right through it.
So off we went to hone our weapons. After getting over the initial sticker-shock, I realized that there were two steps to upgrading my weapon. "Honing" and "hardening." Honing seems to "enchant" your weapon (for lack of a better word) so that you can hit spirits. Hardening adds more damage to your weapon. Which explains why it costs an almost unreasonable amount of gold. In order to upgrade your weapon twice, you pay 75 gold for the honing and then an additional 150 gold for hardening, for a total of 225 gold.
I declined to harden my sword. :P
In any case, it took a full 6 hours to hone my weapon, which is about 6 minutes of waiting. Unfortunately, a lot can happen in 6 minutes, which is how I came to be in a Seanchan town with no weapon.
After some quick footwork and a hasty retreat, I finally found myself in Amador. The weaponsmith had the hammer I was looking for, so I picked up one for me and one for my friend. After delivering my friend's hammer to him in Devon Ride (he never found the weaponsmith there), I started back towards Bandar Eban. It took me about 4 hours. Real hours.
Blame the dynamic event. I'll talk about that tomorrow, but I will say that it was left uncompleted. So if anyone has any information on dynamic events, let me know!
I had gone to Bandar Eban to craft another piece of armor (this time a pair of ebony steel vambraces to match my greaves). I met a guy there who was also trying to craft some armor. So we started talking a bit and we both discovered we didn't have a hammer. I had left mine in Mayene, since that's where I needed it for sword making. No problem, surely the weaponsmith has a hammer. We'll just wait until he's open...
No hammer. No problem, I'll just check the handy item database Alayla so kindly shared with me to find out where I can get a hammer. There must be something close by.
Amador and Devon Ride. Where is Amador? No idea really, but I have a map! So my new friend sets out for Devon Ride and I begin my trek to Amador. Everything was going great until I reached a nice little town called Elmora. Unfortunately, this nice little town was infested with Seanchan. Their hospitality was somewhat...lacking. It was about this time that I realized I didn't have my sword.
You see, while we were waiting for the weaponsmith to open, my new friend asked me if I knew about honing my sword. (If you're wondering why he's "my new friend" instead of having a real name, it's because I can't remember his name. I'm sorry, new friend!). I told him no and he explained that if I honed my sword, I would be able to hit ghosts. I was quite excited by the prospect because I had found a spirit near Tar Valon that I really wanted to kill, but every time I tried, my sword passed right through it.
So off we went to hone our weapons. After getting over the initial sticker-shock, I realized that there were two steps to upgrading my weapon. "Honing" and "hardening." Honing seems to "enchant" your weapon (for lack of a better word) so that you can hit spirits. Hardening adds more damage to your weapon. Which explains why it costs an almost unreasonable amount of gold. In order to upgrade your weapon twice, you pay 75 gold for the honing and then an additional 150 gold for hardening, for a total of 225 gold.
I declined to harden my sword. :P
In any case, it took a full 6 hours to hone my weapon, which is about 6 minutes of waiting. Unfortunately, a lot can happen in 6 minutes, which is how I came to be in a Seanchan town with no weapon.
After some quick footwork and a hasty retreat, I finally found myself in Amador. The weaponsmith had the hammer I was looking for, so I picked up one for me and one for my friend. After delivering my friend's hammer to him in Devon Ride (he never found the weaponsmith there), I started back towards Bandar Eban. It took me about 4 hours. Real hours.
Blame the dynamic event. I'll talk about that tomorrow, but I will say that it was left uncompleted. So if anyone has any information on dynamic events, let me know!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Top Mud Sites
While I'm making it a policy to take a break from blogging on the weekends, I wanted to make a quick note about something I think is important.
I recently found out that there is a website that ranks muds based on player votes. In an effort to promote WoTMUD and make it easy to vote, I've added a link at the top of my blog that you can click in order to vote. You can vote once per day.
I recently found out that there is a website that ranks muds based on player votes. In an effort to promote WoTMUD and make it easy to vote, I've added a link at the top of my blog that you can click in order to vote. You can vote once per day.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Armor crafting
There have been a few updates to a few of the pages in the right sidebar. There's a new .jpg map, sent in by Chris and created by Dena. That can be found on the "Maps" page.
Alayla created a database listing all the shops and merchants in the world, their hours and their wares. I'll be updating the Shops and Merchants page with that database and removing the "Under Construction" tag. Huge thanks to Alayla for the database!
I've also been slowly updating the Guilds and Side Trades page, which brings me to the topic of today's post. Armor crafting. It's awesome. Seriously. I made a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves. They're, you guessed it: Awesome.
There's two main armor guilds that allow you to craft four different types of armor. You can either join the plate/chainmail armor guild or the leather/cloth armor guild. As with the weapons guilds, you can only choose one. However, unlike the weapons guilds, you can make both plate and chainmail armor, though not in the same day. For example, yesterday I created plate greaves. Today, I could choose to create a piece of chainmail armor if I wanted, or another piece of plate armor. Remember, crafting time restrictions reset at reboot (that's a lot of re's!).
I joined the plate/chainmail armor guild because I anticipate needing to replace my armor frequently. Since I'm abs, I'm all about the plate. If you are all about the plate too, head to Bandar Eban. Seek out the guild master at the Wretched Bee Tavern and pay him 140 crowns to join the guild. Remember, armor is 140 crowns, weapons are 150 crowns and commodities are 160 crowns. Once you've joined the guild, pay him 17 crowns to receive a letter of rights, find yourself an iron bar and a hammer and head to the Black Knight's Armory. Show your iron bar to the armorer there and he'll let you know if it's good enough to start smithing. Once he gives his approval, you'll want to "smelt the iron." Follow along with the steps and eventually you'll be prompted to "hammer the object into shape." Once the steps are completed, drop your letter of rights and claim your armor! It really couldn't be simpler!
I'll be crafting another piece of armor today. I suspect that it randomly selects a piece of plate armor to create, but I'm not certain so I'll update with that information when I find out. As far as weapons go, I've crafted two claymores, so I'm not sure if there's any diversity there or not.
Keep checking the Guilds and Side Trades page for updates.
What about you guys? Have you created anything useful lately? Or are you more of a "kill and loot" type of person? :)
Alayla created a database listing all the shops and merchants in the world, their hours and their wares. I'll be updating the Shops and Merchants page with that database and removing the "Under Construction" tag. Huge thanks to Alayla for the database!
I've also been slowly updating the Guilds and Side Trades page, which brings me to the topic of today's post. Armor crafting. It's awesome. Seriously. I made a pair of ebony-steel plate greaves. They're, you guessed it: Awesome.
There's two main armor guilds that allow you to craft four different types of armor. You can either join the plate/chainmail armor guild or the leather/cloth armor guild. As with the weapons guilds, you can only choose one. However, unlike the weapons guilds, you can make both plate and chainmail armor, though not in the same day. For example, yesterday I created plate greaves. Today, I could choose to create a piece of chainmail armor if I wanted, or another piece of plate armor. Remember, crafting time restrictions reset at reboot (that's a lot of re's!).
I joined the plate/chainmail armor guild because I anticipate needing to replace my armor frequently. Since I'm abs, I'm all about the plate. If you are all about the plate too, head to Bandar Eban. Seek out the guild master at the Wretched Bee Tavern and pay him 140 crowns to join the guild. Remember, armor is 140 crowns, weapons are 150 crowns and commodities are 160 crowns. Once you've joined the guild, pay him 17 crowns to receive a letter of rights, find yourself an iron bar and a hammer and head to the Black Knight's Armory. Show your iron bar to the armorer there and he'll let you know if it's good enough to start smithing. Once he gives his approval, you'll want to "smelt the iron." Follow along with the steps and eventually you'll be prompted to "hammer the object into shape." Once the steps are completed, drop your letter of rights and claim your armor! It really couldn't be simpler!
I'll be crafting another piece of armor today. I suspect that it randomly selects a piece of plate armor to create, but I'm not certain so I'll update with that information when I find out. As far as weapons go, I've crafted two claymores, so I'm not sure if there's any diversity there or not.
Keep checking the Guilds and Side Trades page for updates.
What about you guys? Have you created anything useful lately? Or are you more of a "kill and loot" type of person? :)
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I finally pk'd. I was on my trolloc and Skraggle was helping me exp when all of a sudden we smelled a horse. For those that don't know (I didn't!), you can tell when humans are around because you can smell their horses when you type "where." Soon, we came across Chemuel. Now, I am level 13 and Skraggle was level 16 so I thought we would run away, but we didn't! Skraggle bashed Chemuel and we fought him for a while until he was critical and he ran away.
Then Koy came, but he is a master with daggers and did a LOT of damage to me so we ran back to the city. After that, Equitant came out to fight them. He got Koy to critical and we came back to help, but soon a master channeler (an Aes Sedai!) named Arial came. She almost killed me, but I was able to get back to the city (thanks to the map Uvall gave me!) and I lived.
My hands were shaking. I was so excited. I thought we were going to kill someone, but we didn't. But we got them to critical and I was at critical. It was crazy!! Thank goodness Skraggle was there to lead me around and help me. I can't wait to fight again! So far, there is nothing as exhilarating in this game than seeing someone with a color and stars around their name.
What about you? What was your first pk like? Leave a comment and share! :)
Then Koy came, but he is a master with daggers and did a LOT of damage to me so we ran back to the city. After that, Equitant came out to fight them. He got Koy to critical and we came back to help, but soon a master channeler (an Aes Sedai!) named Arial came. She almost killed me, but I was able to get back to the city (thanks to the map Uvall gave me!) and I lived.
My hands were shaking. I was so excited. I thought we were going to kill someone, but we didn't. But we got them to critical and I was at critical. It was crazy!! Thank goodness Skraggle was there to lead me around and help me. I can't wait to fight again! So far, there is nothing as exhilarating in this game than seeing someone with a color and stars around their name.
What about you? What was your first pk like? Leave a comment and share! :)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Fist pumping like a champ!
I can't lie. There may have been a fist pump (or two) yesterday. After 6 hours yesterday and 2 hours the day before, I finally, almost reverently, picked up my shiny, new claymore. I made a sword!! It took a reaaaaaaally long time. I think I can do it faster next time though.
Next up, armor guild! :D
In other news, you'll notice in the right sidebar, I've added a guilds and side trades page. It's under construction, so you won't find all the information there yet, but if you'd like to contribute to the knowledge pool, shoot me an email at Also, I spent a considerable amount of time yesterday learning a bit of HTML, so some of those pages should be easier to navigate now that they have a Table of Contents at the top. As always, this whole project is a work in progress so bear with me.
I'd also like to thank everyone for their continued help and support. My viewership reached an all-time high of 164 views yesterday, so there MIGHT have been another fist pump (or two). So thanks everyone! (And a special thanks to Khahliana who spent a great deal of time helping me both with HTML and with crafting yesterday!)
Next up, armor guild! :D
In other news, you'll notice in the right sidebar, I've added a guilds and side trades page. It's under construction, so you won't find all the information there yet, but if you'd like to contribute to the knowledge pool, shoot me an email at Also, I spent a considerable amount of time yesterday learning a bit of HTML, so some of those pages should be easier to navigate now that they have a Table of Contents at the top. As always, this whole project is a work in progress so bear with me.
I'd also like to thank everyone for their continued help and support. My viewership reached an all-time high of 164 views yesterday, so there MIGHT have been another fist pump (or two). So thanks everyone! (And a special thanks to Khahliana who spent a great deal of time helping me both with HTML and with crafting yesterday!)
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
More crafting!
I still have not made my sword. However, I'm determined to make it today, whatever the cost! Yesterday, I walked to Arad Doman to make my soap, then realized I needed to make fishoil in Mayene, then head to Tar Valon to make leather straps, then back to Mayene to make the sword.
It didn't happen. By the time I got to Tear, it was time to rent. But today, I shall wield a weapon, gloriously crafted by my own hands.
It's becoming more and more apparent that the best course of action is to develop some sort of system to stockpile supplies, otherwise the process is extremely time consuming. Certain necessary items, such as a cook pot or knife could be stored in the city they're needed and withdrawn when it's time to craft. I think once a person had a handle on all the different ingredients necessary for their craft and how or where to make them, it would be a much quicker process.
In the meantime, I'll begin cobbling together some sort of guide for each guild that will be accessible in the right sidebar. As with the other pages, it will be under construction and open for advice and contributions.
It didn't happen. By the time I got to Tear, it was time to rent. But today, I shall wield a weapon, gloriously crafted by my own hands.
It's becoming more and more apparent that the best course of action is to develop some sort of system to stockpile supplies, otherwise the process is extremely time consuming. Certain necessary items, such as a cook pot or knife could be stored in the city they're needed and withdrawn when it's time to craft. I think once a person had a handle on all the different ingredients necessary for their craft and how or where to make them, it would be a much quicker process.
In the meantime, I'll begin cobbling together some sort of guide for each guild that will be accessible in the right sidebar. As with the other pages, it will be under construction and open for advice and contributions.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Weapons Guilds
This post has been a difficult one. Crafting on WoTMUD seems to be difficult and time consuming. Nonetheless, I'm eager to craft my first weapon. I decided on crafting a 2 handed long sword, since that happens to be my weapon of choice.
However, it's not as simple as heading to the Guild house, paying my dues and making a weapon. Oh no. There are materials to be gathered and side trades to be considered.
I used Alayla's Best of the City guide to help me on my way. I headed to Mayene to join the correct weapons guild, but then I discovered I needed a few other items. These items are scattered all over the world. I also need to craft certain items, such as leather straps, fishoil and soap. These, too, are located all over the world. So I set out from Mayene and headed to Arad Doman to make the soap.
Which is basically where I'm at right now. Arad Doman. No weapon in hand, but I've managed to gather a few materials.
So my promised post about weapons guilds has turned out to be more of an update on my (slow) progress, but fear not: Alayla's Best of the City guide has wonderfully detailed instructions for each and every craft, side trade and guild available.
In the meantime, I also wanted to tell you I managed to stat a few more trollocs (a hunter AND a rogue!), a female channeler and I'm currently working on a Light Side rogue. You can see the results of my statting efforts on my List of Characters page or Homelands Database page, both located in the right sidebar.
However, it's not as simple as heading to the Guild house, paying my dues and making a weapon. Oh no. There are materials to be gathered and side trades to be considered.
I used Alayla's Best of the City guide to help me on my way. I headed to Mayene to join the correct weapons guild, but then I discovered I needed a few other items. These items are scattered all over the world. I also need to craft certain items, such as leather straps, fishoil and soap. These, too, are located all over the world. So I set out from Mayene and headed to Arad Doman to make the soap.
Which is basically where I'm at right now. Arad Doman. No weapon in hand, but I've managed to gather a few materials.
So my promised post about weapons guilds has turned out to be more of an update on my (slow) progress, but fear not: Alayla's Best of the City guide has wonderfully detailed instructions for each and every craft, side trade and guild available.
In the meantime, I also wanted to tell you I managed to stat a few more trollocs (a hunter AND a rogue!), a female channeler and I'm currently working on a Light Side rogue. You can see the results of my statting efforts on my List of Characters page or Homelands Database page, both located in the right sidebar.
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