Thursday, August 16, 2012


I haven't been able to devote as much time as I would have liked to the blog or the mud this week, but I'm hoping that will change next week. What little time I've had has been spent doing chores such as dishes, raking paths and shelving books in the Tower. When I'm not up to my neck in manual labor, I'm searching every nook and cranny of the Tower for lost items to return in exchange for quest points. As one would expect, the White Tower is ENORMOUS. I've found most of the items, but I haven't found any rats in the Tower and there's still a missing book to be located.

It's been one whole week in the Tower and it's been pretty much what one would expect for a Novice. Work, work work. There haven't been any classes this week, and there's nothing upcoming so far, but I'm hoping an interesting class comes up. I'm anxious to begin learning! I think next week I can send a request to the Hall to move up one rank, so I'm really eager for that as well!

In the meantime, I've also been able to get in a little bit of exp and a few pk lessons. I thought today I'd talk briefly about a concept called "doublelining." A quirk of the mud is that if you flee, there is a period of lag. As a consequence, the very next command you enter after fleeing will be executed immediately, before any command entered by anyone else. Why is this important? Because 99% of the time when you are fighting, someone will be spamming for you. That can make it really hard to get away when you're stuck in a narrow area. By doublelining (or sometimes called "dlining"), you can get past the people spamming for you because your next command (presumably a direction!) will execute before their "k xxx" command. So the next time you're stuck, remember to dline! It could save your life.


  1. Tip when looking for rats: turn notice on. and make sure you have a couple of pracs in notice at least. The reason is that the rats are hidden, and so you wont see them without notice.

  2. Yeah, most of the quest items are hidden so I've been wandering around the Tower with notice on. It's takes forever because I get haggard all the time lol.
