Friday, July 13, 2012

Children of the Light vs Channelers

I met a Hand of the Light. On my channeler. It was nerve-racking to say the least, but I clung to the hope that no one wants to kill a newbie...right?

It was a fun conversation though, despite my nervousness. He asked me if I could channel. I lied.

"Um, I've never tried, sir.."

He told me never to try, to avoid the Dark One's grasp. I asked if all channelers are darkfriends. He said yes. Then I got...bold.

"But, I know I'm not a darkfriend. What if I could channel? Then I would be a channeler who wasn't a darkfriend!" Oh yes. I am clever.

"There's no such thing."

Oh. Well that settles that then, mister fanatic! What? Oh yes, of COURSE I will report all evil-doing directly to you.

All in all, it was really my first experience with roleplay on the mud. It was fun and exciting and I felt myself slip into the character of a young girl being questioned by a big, intimidating Hand of the Light. The conversation was short, but it left me with the desire to look more into this whole "roleplay" thing.

Further, it got me thinking about how two vastly different and opposing forces interact in this game. We all know how much the Children of the Light hate all channelers. But what would have happened if I had not been a low level newbie? What if I had been an Aes Sedai? Would the Hand of the Light have killed me? Do they question or interrogate people? Where does roleplay end and pk begin? How does warranting fit in to this whole situation?

So those are my questions today! What do you think of the whole Child vs channie conflict? Which faction do you side with in conflicts? Leave your comment below :)


  1. Roleplay! To me, it seems like the most important part of the game. I love talking to people the way it ought to be done, though of course not everyone is into rp as much. I have had fun exchanges with illuminators, gleeman, and others who just make the game fun.

    As for the conflict... I side with both! Depending on the character, of course.

  2. While I will remain Anonymous, I'll let you know I am one of the oldest Hand of Light characters in a way. Some Hand of Light do drag people back to the dungeons and interrogate them, however the actual game play aspects of it really make it fruitless. Almost everyone I have questioned has been totally immune to torture and on 1 occasion I was asked to stop as it got too intense. Not once have I ever got anything useful from it either.

    Experience tells me also that on the spot RP is generally juststalling while the channeler calls in a group, normally with gaidin, to come and rescue them. While it makes for some amazing atmosphere and really helps the immersion within the Wheel of Time world , the game itself doesn't really lend itself to giving the Children or Hand a place.

    The current rules regarding warranting and clanning hunting and killer goes further to discourage the whole Child vs channie conflict. But maybe you will get lucky every now and then and have a great in character chat with one.

    1. That's too bad about the limited roleplay opportunities. Thanks for sharing! :)
